Monday, March 22, 2010

What Happened?

Well, well, well. I guess it is official. After a year of daily updates, emails, contacting representatives and senators, writing letters to the newspaper, fasting, praying, praying,and praying some more, it happened. The unthinkable. Government take over of health care, with the help of groups that insist on calling themselves Catholic when they are not.
How? Why? I allowed myself to take this a step farther in my own imaginings. What will the repercussions be from this? Why was the king so preoccupied with this issue?
It is easy to see that this was a bail out for Planned Parenthood, but what will that mean for the rest of us?
Will abortion clinics be federally protected now that they will be federally funded? Our government has made a decision to go into the abortion business after all. The new health care bill says that you can keep your children on your policy until they are 26. If everyone will be covered, why do they need to be on your policy?
And the abortion expansion, merciful Jesus. Why do we need to rev up the abortion machine? 50,000,000 dead children aren't enough?
The United States can no longer call itself a world leader. With the passage of this bill, we have lost any shred of credibility that we may have been clinging to.
Dear, sweet, Lord Jesus, what are we doing wrong? Has the time come for us to call down the cleansing chastisement upon ourselves? Is that it? Must we totally accept whatever suffering we must endure to end child killing in our land, and actually beg for it from You? Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.
Help us to endure O Lord. Give us the grace to keep our faith.

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