Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How Sweet It Is

I know this may seem juvenile for Lent, but here goes. Even though I try to grow spiritually during Lent by acts of prayer, fasting, and alms giving, I always end up being more conscious of what goes into my mouth. Trying to give up the sweet things in life end up giving me an appreciation for those things that seem undesirable outside of Lent. Today I gained an appreciation for raisins. This is so weird, but when you give up sweets, things like raisins start looking really, really good. I was eating some golden raisins and thinking how they were grapes that got all shriveled up and now they are almost as good as candy.
Then I started to think how noble a fruit the grape is to be the base and means of consumption for the Precious Blood of Christ, and the Wedding Feast at Cana, how Jesus used the grape to perform His first miracle, and then I almost started feeling guilty about eating those delicious raisins.
If it wasn't Lent I probably wouldn't have given those raisins a second glance. Anybody can eat a piece of candy(a man made confection) and satisfy a craving. But to feast on raisins, well now that is a blessing of untold wealth.
I dare say I will never take the raisin for granted from this day forward. Next to the grape, it has become my second favorite snack. I may never eat another piece of chocolate again. (What am I saying?)Just kidding. Keep moving toward the prize, the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, God bless.

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