Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America

Ah, the 4th of July! Bar-b-Que, watermelon, cool drinks, fireworks,r & r and just plain old American fun. Thanks be to God that we live in a country where men are free to enjoy all that we have been blessed with.
This holiday has special significance for me, it is my husband's birthday. He has always had a patriotic side to him. He has served God and his country well, and his loyalty to God and country never cease to amaze me. He is truly the best of what makes America great.
I watched him put out the American flag in front of our house, he didn't know that I was watching, but after he put the flag in the holder, he placed his hand over his heart and looking up at the stars and stripes I could see his lips moving slightly. I know that he was praying for our country. It is fitting and proper that he was born on this day. God knows what he is doing. While some use the day to work on their tans or add a few inches to their waist, I must say that my husband has always had an understanding of this day from a very young age.
Thank you honey for your example and love of country, it is contagious. Happy Birthday and many, many, more. I love you.

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