Sunday, November 29, 2009

Advent Reflection

At our parish today we were offered these little blue books to help us on our Advent journey. The concept of this book is to offer God 6 minutes each day during Advent to pray, pray the Holy Scriptures, be still, and listen.
Well today was the first day of Advent, and as I settled down this evening to give God my 6 little minutes, I lit the Advent Wreathe, said a weak prayer, and began to observe the flame of the candle. I noticed how the flame was part of the candle by means of the wick. If the wick was not there to support the flame, there would be no flame. What are you saying to me God? Is my heart the candle without a wick?
If you say yes, I can hardly dispute it. I feel my flame has gone out. I smile on the outside, but my zeal is undetectable on the inside. That is my Advent Quest. I need to find a wick to ignite the flame. I trust that God will lead me in my search for fire.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Amen.

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