Wednesday, February 5, 2014

No Complaints

I left mass and headed for the grocery store. It was an extremely cold and windy January morning. As I pulled into the lot, I noticed two city workers struggling with an enormous American flag, preparing to run it up the flagpole. This flag looked every bit of fifteen by twenty feet, very impressive. I turned my car around and prepared to watch what they were doing.
The flag was bundled and held by one man, while the other was attaching it to the ropes. Their bodies rocked as they braced themselves against the wind, all the while struggling to maintain the dignity of the flag, leaning into the wind, gathering any ends of the flag that tried to break free of their grasp. It was definitely a unified effort on the part of both men, they had done this before.
As the flag was attached, the older man started to hoist, while the younger of the two held fast to the flag, both men still being buffeted by the strong wind. I noticed the wind pulling their bodies to and fro while they readjusted their feet to stabilize themselves. I could feel my car rocking in the wind.
The man holding the flag raised his hands, still holding the flag tightly. Once the danger of the flag touching the ground had passed, he gradually released his hold on the flag. The older man was hoisting with all of his might, the younger man placed his hand on the arm of the other and the older man released the crank to the younger. He began to hoist the flag faster. Halfway up the pole the flag unfurled and it was a glory to behold. Seldom had I witnessed anything so beautiful.
They stood together and stared up. I know their hearts felt like mine. A tear rolled down my cheek. I love this country. I love the American Flag and what it stands for. So proud of America and Her people, good people just like these ordinary men.
I put my car in gear and drove over to them. "Hey guys, great job!" I said. They smiled and looked at the ground, embarrassed someone had been watching them. "No, really, great job, you made my day. Thank you. She's really a beauty." They nodded my approval. They gathered their tools, took one last look at the flag and got into their truck.
Sometimes I complain about the state of affairs in this country, and rightly so. When I complain, it makes me forget about the good. These two men, these city workers, helped me to remember the good.
Thank you to all of the hard working Americans that go through their workday doing ordinary things, that, when you think about them with gratitude, aren't really ordinary at all, are they?